Gender, migration and milieu as axes of difference in social networks.
Social research and media art are the two areas of intersection of the project social networks /graz. The project records the current social networks of 362 residents of the city of Graz and represents the data material in an installation in the urban space.
Different network structures of women and men with and without migration experience, with and without children under 14 years of age are elaborated and compared in the study. From the individual networks recorded, ideal-typical network structures of the population groups surveyed will be determined.
Passers-by are invited to explore the recorded social networks by means of an interface in the Augarten Pavilion in Graz. Structural features of the study denoted in advance are spatially, visually and acoustically related to each other in the pavilion: important areas of life, contactability, reciprocity of relationships, medium of contact, accessibility and time spent by network members in their network.
The events in the installation space function according to specific, comprehensible mechanisms that the installation visitors can assemble like a puzzle in their perception via various channels of perception. Depending on how it is read, the product is either a "comprehensible" arrangement of data material or a media/sound installation that can be experienced by the senses and that deals with the social relationship networks of the people of Graz.
8.4.-10.4.2011, Preview
Time Inventors´ Kabinet
ESC im Labor / Graz (A)
6.6.2011, 18.30Uhr, Eröffnung
Augartenpavillon / Graz (A)
15.11.2011,19.00Uhr, Eröffnung
Galerie beim Engel
Luxemburg-Stadt (L)
Fränk Zimmer, Elli Scambor
Scientific direction & preparation of the data material: Elli Scambor Artistic direction & realisation of the installation: Fränk Zimmer Installation - programming: Georg Holzmann Study - data collection assistance: Martina Derbuch-Samek, Natascha Mauerhofer, Lisa Mittischek, Benedicta Nwoha, Serafettin Tabur, Kevser Tas, Martin Winter, Sarah Zapusek mur.at Server support: mur.at
Gefördert durch: Land Steiermark - Instittut für Kunst im öffentlichen Raum, Stadt Graz - Kultur. Durchführende Organisation: Männerberatung Graz. Kooperationen: GenderWerkstätte, mur.at
Selbsttragender PVC-Quader mit 3 aktiven Interfacesäulen (2,5m x 2,5m), 2 Projektionsflächen, 8 Vertikalmarkisen (3m x 2m), 2 Projektoren, 2.1 Boxensystem, 2 PCs, DIY Steuerungselektronik, 3 Ventilatoren. Tools: Arduino, Pure Data.