Gender, ethnicity, milieu and age as axes of inequality in a city.
Urban planning concepts often operate with genderless and disembodied persons. They overlook the different social conditions that affect women and men: with and without a migration background, in different age groups and milieus. These conditions shape, among other things, the structure of urban spaces. The intersectional map wants to explore the everyday use of the city and asks:
Where do women and men move in the city?
Where do people with and without a migration background move? Can milieu boundaries be represented as urban-spatial boundaries?
More than 1650 people provide information about their everyday movement behaviour in the urban space of Graz in a movement and space use study. The respondents are asked to provide socio-demographic data: Gender, migration background, income, age, education and household situation. They enter their typical everyday routes and places on a map of Graz. The data obtained in this way - route chains, places and personal data - are transferred to the project database.
Public Space Graz
8 Locations
15.11.2011,19.00Uhr, Eröffnung
Galerie beim Engel
Luxemburg-Stadt (L)
Elli Scambor, Heimo Ranzenbacher, Fränk Zimmer
Elli Scambor: overall management & scientific direction Fränk Zimmer and Heimo Ranzenbacher: installation concept Fränk Zimmer: realisation of the installations, web/interface/interaction design Christian Scambor: study - collaboration Murat Aygan, Coban Hasan, Anne Meinke, Lisa Mittischek, Benedicta Nwoha, Edith Pöhacker, Serafettin Tabur, Adriana Valle-Höllinger, Martin Winter: Study - data collection assistance Wolfgang Scheicher: database connection IOhannes m zmölnig: image streaming Walter Lang: object setup Jogi Hofmüller: mur.at server support
Bundesministerium für Unterricht und Kunst Bundesmisnisterium für Wissenschaft und Kunst Kunst im öffentlichen Raum Steiermark Stadt Graz
Hardware: 5 PCs, interfaces, prepared shop window surfaces and terminals, 32" screens in the urban space of Graz Software: Pure Data, Processing, MySQL, Debian