Fränk Zimmer (* 1972, Luxembourg City) lives in Stattegg near Graz. After a technically oriented education as a communication technician at the Lycée des Arts et Métiers in Luxembourg, musicological studies at the Universities of Graz and Vienna followed from 1995. After intensive occupation with contemporary music, free improvisation and media art, he has been working as a freelancer since 2002. In sound and media installations in public spaces and spaces dedicated to art, he repeatedly uses open source software and hardware. The focus of his current artistic work is the interweaving of media art with applied social research and work on models of interactive film/sound installations. Parallel to his work as a media artist, Fränk Zimmer works as a producer and co-curator of the festival for contemporary and experimental music, ORF musikprotokoll im steirischen herbst.
Commissioned works and support by
steirischer herbst, Austrian Cultural Forum New York, Höhenrausch, OK kulturquartier, Liquid Music, Institut für Kunst im öffentlichen Raum Steiermark, esc medien kunst labor,, Bundesministerium für Kunst und Kultur, Stadt Graz, Philharmonie Luxemburg, ORF musikprotokoll, Medienkunstlabor im Kunsthaus Graz, Radio Österreich 1, Ministère de la Culture Luxembourg, Trivia Gallery Lublijana. Erster Preis, internationaler Netzkunstwettbewerb net_sight 2006 für die Installation „knoten n+1“.
Pure Data, Processing, Arduino, Drupal, Reaper, Isadora, DIY electronics, ...